Thursday, March 20, 2014


Fast facts:

District Name: Kamizaki 
District Lead Councilor: Kazuki Toyama 
Residential Population: 94,996
Commercial Jobs: 63,096
Industrial Opportunities: 0
Gross Domestic Product: 45,350 Simoleons
Industries: Tourism, Finance, Real Estate, Banking, Information Technology 

More Information:

Kamizaki is home to one of the largest arena is Greater Teiko Metropolitan Area - LTU Arena. It is also the home to Teiko's National Soccer Team. 

Teiko Interstate, the widest limited control expressway in Teiko passing through Kamizaki. The first segment of the interstate was constructed here connecting Nakamiya South and Tetsuya. 

Kamizaki is a bustling city with a large commercial center. Recently, the Akashi Global City being constructed by SZT Properties and Ayala Land Premier has brought life to what was once a barren land. 

Reference: National Archives